[libvoikko] Libreoffice-voikko with HFST support for Windows available for testing

Harri Pitkänen hatapitk at iki.fi
Sun Dec 22 13:24:56 EET 2013

On Sunday 22 December 2013 12:12:03 Sjur Moshagen wrote:
> I noticed that one change seems to be functionally equivalent to what Børre
> suggested, and which seems to fix the compression issues. Does compression
> now work as expected?

voikko-sma-fi.oxt does not include support for compressed HFST archives. But 
that is a configuration issue with libarchive (configure script failed to 
detect the presence of zlib). I just noticed the issue after I fixed the 
implementation of extract_to_mem since the original implementation did not 
handle ARCHIVE_FAILED properly.

Let's test this build first and worry about compression later. I believe it is 
a trivial issue to solve, just a bit more work (I'll take care of it in a few 

This patch also fixes two other bugs:

- Improper use of tinyxml2::XMLDocument.Parse which is the same bug that Børre 
noticed and likely caused the crashes you saw on OS X.
- http://sourceforge.net/p/hfst/bugs/203/ which I reported earlier. It broke 
the build on 32-bit Windows and Linux.


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