[libvoikko] Strange bug in the interface between hfst-ospell and libvoikko

Sjur Moshagen sjurnm at mac.com
Thu Dec 12 02:57:07 EET 2013


The following bug has me puzzled:

$ voikkospell -l -p tools/spellcheckers/fstbased/hfst/
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type hfst_ol::ZHfstMetaDataParsingError
Abort trap: 6

When reading the same file using hfst-ospell in verbose mode (to force it to read, parse and print the metadata), there are no problems:

$ hfst-ospell -v tools/spellcheckers/fstbased/hfst/smn.zhfst 
Following metadata was read from ZHFST archive:
locale: smn
version: GT_VERSION [vcsrev: GT_REVISION]
date: DATE
producer: giellatekno/Divvun/UiT contributors[email: <feedback at divvun.no>, website: <http://divvun.no>]
title [smn]: Giellatekno/Divvun/UiT fst-based speller for Inari Sami
description [smn]: This is an fst-based speller for Inari Sami. It is based
    on the normative subset of the morphological analyser for Inari Sami.
    The source code can be found at:
    License: GPL3+.
acceptor[default.] [id: acceptor.default.hfst, type: generaltrtype: ]
title [smn]: Giellatekno/Divvun/UiT dictionary Inari Sami
        Giellatekno/Divvun/UiT dictionary for Inari Sami compiled for HFST.
errmodel[default.] [id: errmodel.default.hfst]
title [smn]: Levenshtein edit distance transducer
        Correction model for keyboard misstrokes, at most 2 per word.
type: default
model: errormodel.default.hfst

Corrections for "jilla":
millo    2


* svn HEAD of hfst-ospell
* newest revision of the master branch of libvoikko (e858bd9dac3625d1eb6298f050ee6081bbbbf2e1)
* MacOSX 10.9 (but similar behavior is seen on MacOSX 10.6 as well)
* svn HEAD of $GTHOME/langs

Languages tested:
* fao
* smn
* sms (ok on 10.6)
* sma


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